IS-F stacked quad exhaust on IS250
Someone recently scraped my IS250's rear bumper in a car park and broke the reflector. Since i was going to be spending money on the repair, I decided to embark on a project to try and do an IS-F rear conversion.
I'd like to say that I know there are some people who do not like the idea and think of it as posing. I personally don't think it is, but to each his own. There are many people out there who genuinely like the look of the stacked ISF tips. I am one of them and because of this i wanted to do this mod. not because i want to look like an ISF or want people to think i got an ISF. But like i said to each his own...
The parts here in the UK are way too expensive. So I purchased everything except the bumper from Lexus Japan and made quite a saving.
Here are the pictures and details from start to finish.
Note: In the pictures it may look like the bumper colour is not 100% match but it is actually 99.9% matching. It's just the weather yesterday didnt help the iphone photos
Painted IS-F bumper with one of the tips installed.

Tailpipe has to be cut. This is how long it originally is.
I'd like to say that I know there are some people who do not like the idea and think of it as posing. I personally don't think it is, but to each his own. There are many people out there who genuinely like the look of the stacked ISF tips. I am one of them and because of this i wanted to do this mod. not because i want to look like an ISF or want people to think i got an ISF. But like i said to each his own...
The parts here in the UK are way too expensive. So I purchased everything except the bumper from Lexus Japan and made quite a saving.
Here are the pictures and details from start to finish.
Note: In the pictures it may look like the bumper colour is not 100% match but it is actually 99.9% matching. It's just the weather yesterday didnt help the iphone photos
Test fitting to make sure bumper will fit before placing order for the most expensive parts.
OEM bumper removed
Tailpipe has to be cut. This is how long it originally is.