Just completed my custom IS-F grille for my IS250.

Note: The IS-F grille emblem is much wider than the f-sport grille emblem. Its more oval shaped.

Heres what i did:
  • Trimmed the IS-F grille and made it fit inside the OEM chrome bezel of my IS250.
  • Did some plastic welding and bonded the two trims together with heavy duty polymer bonding glue from the rear side.
  • Sealed all gaps from rear side in preparation to pour liquid plastic from front side (hence sealing it from behind so the liquid plastic doesnt leak out)
  • Poured the 2 part liquid plastic polyurethane so that it seals all gaps and provides extra bonding.
  • Once liquid plastic set and became plastic, covered up with thin layer of plastic filler
  • Sanded filler down and once everything was ok proceeded with wet sanding and paint prep
  • Painted and clearcoated
  • Installed new emblem

*** UPDATE ***
I have since upgraded the emblem on the grille to the blue hybrid version. Photos and details of the new emblem can be found here.

I'm quite happy with the result and I think the difference is very subtle but it makes a huge difference

Here are some photos of the DIY grille in progress and the finished product: